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About Me


Throughout the year, I have been keeping a weekly blog about my mentorship.

To access it, click here.


My Mentorship 

When I began my internship, I had various expectations for what I would experience. Many things I expected, I still do every day at the pharmacy, such as sorting and putting away medications and giving clients refills. However, I was very surprised when I learned how much more complex pharmacy is than I expected. Each medication is very unique, and each order must have the exact amount of the correct medication. Drugs can be extremely dangerous if misused, so it is very important for each prescription to be filled correctly at the correct time. I was also surprised by how fast the pharmacy techs have learned to fill and check prescriptions.


  • January 2016: The pharmacy was sold, and we were moved to Mr. Johnson's other compounding location.


I switched locations about halfway through the year, and my mentorship became tremendously more interesting. The new pharmacy  is also a compounding center, where you make injections and medications by combining several different things. This new experience brought a lot of chemistry into my mentorship. I have made several oral suspentions and injections, and it takes a lot of focused time and effort, but the end result is very satifying.


To be a pharmacist or to work in pharmacy in general, I have learned that it is necessary to be a fast learner, work well with other people, and know how to be productive. While working in a pharmacy, you interact with dozens of people each hour. You must be prepared to deal with any type of person that might come in. Each day you have a lot of tasks to complete, which is why you must constantly be productive and completing tasks the fastest way possible.

My mentor, Mr. Johnson, and I at the first pharmacy location

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